Gopher Survey
Mazama Pocket Gopher Surveys
Capital Land & Water is certified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife to perform Mazama pocket gopher screenings and surveys. Our inspections and reporting are conducted according to current Thurston County gopher review protocol, and consistent with federal standards and policies to meet Endangered Species Act (ESA) requirements.
If your proposal requires a higher level of planning and authorization not covered by ESA 4(d) rules and the current Thurston County permit processes, we have experience preparing Biological Assessments for ESA compliance and developing Habitat Conservation Plans necessary for an incidental take permit. Capital Land & Water also performs assessments and reporting to meet other jurisdictions' regulations and planning requirements:
Habitat Management Plans for non ESA-listed populations,
Assessments and plans for other ESA-listed species, and for
State-designated sensitive species protected by Critical Areas Code.
Pocket Gopher surveys occur June through October. Contact us anytime to schedule a pre-consultation or screening.
More about pocket gopher and prairie reviews
Resource links:
Thurston County Pocket Gopher Review Information (links to Thurston County website)Thurston County Prairie Plant Inspection Information (links to Thurston County website)US Fish and Wildlife Service info on the Mazama pocket gopher (links to USFWS)